Vertical tabsMonastery name, type, categorySite Name: DumaIdentification: The site was identified with the village of Duma, mentioned by Eusebius (On. 78:21).Monastery name: Monastery (?)Monastery type: CenobiumMonastery category: Village LocationCoordinates, ITM system: 19,858.0059,324.00 Coordinates, ICS system: 14,858.009,324.00 Geographical region: Hebron HillsProvincial affiliation: Palaestina IBishopric: EleutheropolisTopographical location: The site is located in an area of hills.Distance from nearest bishop-seat: ca. 23 km (Beth Govrin-Eleutheropolis)0Distance from Roman roads: Near the road leading southwards from Hebron. Source of knowledgeArchaeological remainsSurveyed siteSurveyors: NameDate Guérin1868-1869 Conder and Kitchener1871-1877 Mader1918 Kochavi1967-1968 Bibliograpy: Thomsen, P., 190756 Abel, F. M., 1933II: 308-9 Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., 197230 Avi-Yonah, M., 197653 Bagatti, B., 1983 Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L. and Green, J., 1994114 Bagatti, B., 2002 Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., 2012245-46 Abbreviation for Journals and SeriesDiscussion: The remains of a complex of rooms were found southeast of the church at the site. This was suggested to have been a farmstead or monastery. No remains have confirmed either suggestion. Today, the remains have disappeared, due to construction and agricultural development.State of certainty: Uncertain / Questionable General descriptionIllustrative material: Illustrative_material Photos Small finds Detailed descriptionStructureMaterials applied (walls): Limestone ComponentsMonastery church: Church typeDiakonikonLink to church sectionChurch location Architectural evolutionPhase 1 Abandonment Phase dateCentury: Early Christian / Byzantine Phase dateCentury: Unknown