Vertical tabsChurch Name, type, functionSite Name: Ascalon (Tel)Church name: Northern ChurchFunctional Type: UnknownChurch type: Unknown LocationCoordinates, ITM system: 157.14619.43 Coordinates, ICS system: 107.131,119.43 Location: UrbanGeographical region: Southern Coastal PlainTopographical location: At the middle of Tel Ascalon.Provincial affiliation: Palaestina I Source of knowledgeArchaeological remainsHistory: Unpublished material from the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.Bibliograpy: Huster, Y., 2015p. 49, no. 21. Abbreviation for Journals and Series General descriptionState of preservation/which parts were uncovered: Marble chancel screen post; disturbed mosaic sections. DescriptionIllustrative material: Illustrative_material Figures Small finds Detailed descriptionStructure Architectural EvolutionPhase 1 Abandonment Phase name (as published): ByzantinePhase dateCentury: Early Christian / Byzantine Phase dateCentury: Unknown