Sepphoris - East Church

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Architectural Evolution
Dating material: 

Considering the archtectural evolution of the city suggests that the church was built in the same time as the western church, under bishop Euthropius.

Probes were opened under sealed floor; the apse and one outside the church that was placed in order to level the area in the east. Finds from the probs are dated to the early 6th century.

Phase date
5th-6th c.
General outline: 
In the atrium and the rooms south of the church there is evidence of constructions from the Umayyad Period.
Dating material: 

In several pits in the church in areas that were robbed, such as the narthex walls, finds of the Umayyad period were found. 

Phase date
7th c.
Post Arab conquest history: 
Post conquest history comments: 
In the atrium annd the rooms south of the church there is evidence of constructions from the Umayyad Period.