Herodion; Khirbet Firdaus; el Fureidis - Northern Church - Nave

Location in the architectural complex: 
Mosaic floor
Illustrative material: 
Materials, palette: 
Four colours
A broad plain margin with a row of F surrounds the carpet (10.4 x 8.5 m). The eastern side has two rows of crosslets formed from F motifs, a larger crosslet is placed in each corner. The field is J5 with a missing central section. The eastern end holds a tabula ansata framing a five-line inscription: "O Lord, the son, Christ..." It contains the names of one donor family.
Geometric patterns: 
Avi-Yonah A1
Avi-Yonah F
Avi-Yonah A12
Avi-Yonah A5
Avi-Yonah A6
Avi-Yonah B7
Avi-Yonah B8
Avi-Yonah J5
Leah di-Segni proposed the unusual inscription phrasing ("the son" instead of "Jesus") suggests that it expresses nonorthodox Christian beliefs, perhaps of followers of a Judeo-Christian sect. These sects have mostly disappeared by the 4th century but some small groups remained in the east until the 6th century. Also notable in this case is the dedication of the church to Archangel Michael, angels were central to Gnostic sects, at times Michael was identified with Christ.