Location in the architectural complex:
Mosaic floor
Illustrative material:
Materials, palette:
Black tesserae, red,
0.8-0.9 m high
The mostly destroyed nave mosaic contains a tabula ansata with a seven-line Greek dedication (1.6 x 0.2 m), it reads: "in the time of our most holy and pious Bishop Michael and of Theodorus, most beloved by God, by the grace of God, deacon, monk, sacristan, and abbot of St, Elias, this mosaic was made on the eleventh of the month of Loos in the year 636, the ninth year of the indiction."
To the right of the inscription, there is a falcon with adorned with a red ribbon around its neck. on a floral background. Perhaps the Falcon was part of a pair, appearing to the left of the inscription where only the plant design survived.
St. Elias may refer to the prophet Elijah.
Falcons commonly appear in 5th and 6th-century Byzantine mosaics.
- check symbolism and meaning.