Heptapegon - The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes,2- Basilica.

General description: 

The apse, the transept and three aisles are paved with mosaic panels with a wide variety of birds, water plants, animals and Egyptian and Roman motifs. The depiction is vivid and calssical in its realism. 

 The church features a unique depiction of the miracle of "the five loaves and two fish" in front of the alter. 

The church also has a Greek inscriptions. 


Dated to mid-late 5th century yet the mosaics belong to different periods with signs of repair and differing tessrae sizes. The oldest pieces belong to the transept, centeral aisle and some pieces between the columns. The repairs in those areas belong to the next period, around 

Abbreviation for Journals and Series


Item number Location in the architectural complex View
1 Apse View
2 Left transept (north) View
3 Right transept (South) View
4 North Intercolumniations: View
5 Atrium View