Nahariya - St. Lazarus

General description: 

The Church, is a triapsidal basilica (16 x 32 m) it is noted for the techinical high standard of its mosaic, executed in classical style. The entire church floor is covered in mosaics, the edges of the apse, isles and side rooms are paved with geometric patterns and the nave is framed by magnificnet inhabited scrolls, in the center of the nave there is a large rossete. The mosaic is composed of tesserae measuring 0.8 x 0.8 cm, averaging on 147 per sq dm, while the details of the human figures are made from finer tesserae, many cut in the shape of a small triangle, measuring 0.6 x 0.5 cm with about 201 tesserae per sq dem. 




The Church is dated to the first third of the 6th century on the basis of the mosaics, pottery and carved marble capitals that were found. Discoloration and layers of ash on some of the mosaics indicate a destruction by fire, perhaps during the Persian conquest (614-617 CE). As suggested by Dauphine. 

Abbreviation for Journals and Series


Item number Location in the architectural complex View
1 Nave View
2 Aisles View
3 Bema and central nave View