'Ein el Ma'amudieh - Chapel

Church/Monastery name: 
'Ein el Ma'amudieh - Chapel
Inscription number: 
Selected bibliography: 
569-571, fig. 8, pl. 10.2 (ph., dr.) (ed. pr.)
112-113, no. 166
Abbreviation for Journals and Series
Epigraphical corpora: 

CIIP IV.2 (2018): 3816 (ph., dr.)

Inscription type: 

Found near a baptismal church belonging to a monastery, on the road from Taffuh to Dura. There are no traces of a village, and therefore Christians from the two neighboring places must have used the baptistery (Bagatti, p. 46).

Physical description : 

Lintel, broken in three parts, of which only one – the upper left corner – is missing. The stone is decorated with a tabula ansata, in the middle of which there is a cross (above each arm of the cross there is a star and below the arms letters); the damage of the stone below the cross must be old. At each side of the cross there is an escutcheon. Two lines of the inscription are inside the tabula ansata, and the third below it. (CIIP)

Meas.: h 1, w 3, d 0.6 m (lintel); letters 5-6 cm.


Ἰ(ησοῦ)ς Χ(ριστό)ς,

βοήθι τὸν δοῦ[λό]ν σου

Δημή|τριν κ[ὲ] τὴν συνοδί[αν] αὐττοῦ.

[αὕτ]η ἑ π[ύ]λη τοῦ κ(υρίο)υ. κ(ύριο)ς φυ[λά]ξι τὴν ἴσοδόν σου [κ]ὲ τὴν ἔξοδόν σ[ο]υ.


Jesus Christ, help your servant Demetris and his congregation. This is the gate of the Lord. May the Lord protect your entrance and your exit. (CIIP)


L.4  συνοδιία means a community of monks (Bagatti).

L.5: A pastiche of Ps. 117 (118):20 and 120 (121):8.


Invocation of Christ and prayer of Demetris on a broken stone lintel.

Titles/epithets of patrons/dedicators: 
servant of God
Personal names: 
Epigraphical formulae: 
Lord/Christ, help...
Citations from LXX / NT: 
Ps. 117 (118):20, 120 (121):8
Epigraphical Abbreviations: 
horizontal strokes over nomina sacra