el-Bassa; BEZETH - Chapel (?)

Church/Monastery name: 
el-Bassa; BEZETH - Chapel (?)
Inscription number: 
Selected bibliography: 
163-164, figs. 2-4 (phs.) (ed. pr.)
Abbreviation for Journals and Series
Epigraphical corpora: 

SEG 60 (2010): 1703

Inscription type: 

In a mosaic pavement (Locus 12), joining a chalk wall (W10), found in Sept. 2001 in a salvage excavation in the southern industrial zone of Shelomi, in the western reaches of the ruined village of el-Bassa. The inscription is located ca. 4 m west of the wall, facing east southeast. Its edge is not parallel to the extant part of the wall, and its position in relation to the other edges of the building could not be determined. (Tahan–Syon)

Physical description : 

Fragmentary six-line mosaic inscription within a double rectangular frame of a double black line and double horizontal strokes between the lines. The inscription and the pavement were damaged twice by roadworks prior to the excavation. The inscription apparently contained no more than the recorded six lines, assuming that the date formula is at the end, as is the most common arrangement. It should be noted that not all the lines have the same density of letters. The inscription is very fragmentary. However, based on the assumption that it follows the usual formulae, the following reconstruction is suggested. The use of common abbreviations to fit the right number of letters in each line and the smaller density of letters in lines 3 and 4 were taken into consideration. (Tahan–Syon)


          [☩ Ἐτελιώθη ἡ ψήφ]⟨ω⟩σις

          [τοῦ ἁγίου τόπου ἐ]πὶ τοῦ εὐλ(αβεστάτου)

          [καὶ θεοφιλ(εστάτου)] Μαρουθα

4        [πρεσβ(υτέρου) ὑπὲρ] σ⟨ω⟩τη

          [ρίας αὐτοῦ ἐγέν]⟨ε⟩το μη(νὶ)

          [ - - - - - ἔτους γχ]ϙ΄, ἰ(νδικτιῶνος) α΄.


The mos[aic of the holy place was completed] under of the most pious [and God-loving] Maroutha [the priest, for his] salva[tion; ma]de in the month [of ..., year 6]9[3], indiction 1.


Epigraphical considerations and archaeological evidence suggest to reconstruct the date as 693 according to the era of Tyre = 567/568 AD. See Tahan–Syon for full discussion.

Given date: 
567/568 (?)

Six-line fragmentary dated mosaic building inscription of Maroutha the priest (?), found during a salvage excavation in the southern industrial zone of Shelomi, from an unidentified religious building perhaps belonging to the same monastic complex, 567/568 (?).

the work was done
Definitions of building/part of building: 
psephosis,psephotheteia (mosaic)
Ecclesiastical titles: 
Epithets of clergy/monks: 
God-loving (theophiles)
most reverent (eulabestatos)
Personal names: 
Epigraphical formulae: 
salvation/preservation (sôtêria)
Epigraphical Abbreviations: 
stigmas, overhanging eta for μη(νί), ΟΥ in ligature