219-221 | |
103-105, fig. 40 (dr.) | |
53, no. 312 (b) |
CIIP IV.1 (2018): 2728 (dr.)
On a broken marble fragment of the chancel screen.
The stone is said to belong to a chancel screen (cf. Schneider 130: “Das Bema war erhöht und durch Schranken abgeschlossen, der Schrankenstylobat mit Nutrillen ist zum Teil noch erhalten”), but it looks rather more like the top of an altar. There are two different inscriptions, one in the framed central part (b), the other one on the frame (a). The letters of the inscriptions seem to be identical, therefore both should have been inscribed at the same time. (CIIP)
Meas.: w 88 cm; letters 4-5 cm.
(a) ☩ Ἔνθα κατάκιτε – [ἃ] ἔπρεπεν – ἐν ναοῖς
Στεφανηφόρου τοῦ νέου ἀνδρὸς
Κωσταντίας καὶ Πανσεμνίης
☩ σώματα τετιμήμενα. ☩
(b) Ἡ χρημάτων καὶ βίου ἀλλα-
ξαμένη δίματο οἶκον
Χριστοῦ τοῖς ἴχνεσι δῶρον
πορισάσα τοῦτο.
(a) Here lie – as it becomes them – in the naves the honored bodies of the young Stephanephorus, Costantia and Pansemnia.
(b) She who gave (her) wealth and live, and in exchange built a house for Christ, having procured this gift for his vestiges. (CIIP)
Epitaph and dedicatory inscription on a broken marble fragment of the chancel screen.
For a discussion on the various readings of the two inscriptions, see CIIP.