201-204 (ph., dr.) (ed. pr.) | |
552, no. 748 | |
116, no. 160 |
SEG 40 (1990): 1480
CIIP IV.1 (2018): 2814 (ph., dr.)
Between the mosaic carpet of the central nave and the entrance to the church.
Seven-line mosaic inscription, with lines separated by stripes, in a tabula ansata (115 x 65 cm). Average height of letters 7.5 cm. Frame and stripes brown, letters black. Wide, well-spaced letters belonging mainly the the square alphabet typical of 5th century. First three lines slightly damaged. Horizontal stroke for abbreviation.
Δόξ[α τῷ Θ(ε)]ῷ καὶ τοῖς
[ἀγγ]ελοῖς αὐτοῦ ὅτι ἐ-
[κβ]οηθήσ⟨α⟩ς ἐς ἡμᾶς ὐκο-
4 δόμηση τὰ ὧδε. Ἐπὶ
τοῦ θεοσεβεστάτου Αὐ-
ξέντα ἐκτίσθη ἡ ἐκ-
κλησία Τουβίας κο(ι)ν(οβίου) / κο(ι)ν(οῦ).
Glory to God and His angels, for having come to our help He built the (buildings) here. The church of Tobias' coenobium(?) was erected in the time of the most God-fearing Auxentius.
L.3. ἐ|[β]οήθησες (aorist) ἡμᾶς ὐκοδομῆση (inf. aor.) Feissel (BE), SEG; 3-4. ὐκοδομῆση = οἰκοδομῆσαι.
Building mosaic inscription of the church of Tobias' coenobium(?), beginning with a doxology.