Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem) - CATHISMA; KATHISMA


Seized as a result with godly desire and compunction, (Theodosius) came to Jerusalem in the reign of Marcian, dear to God, <AD 450-457> with the intention of settling as an anchorite in the desert nearby. He was welcomed at the Tower of David by Longinus, a Cappadocian elder in the community of ascetics’ attached to the holy church of the Resurrection of Christ our God. Although Theodosius wished to withdraw to one of the monasteries of the desert, being a lover of solitude and clothed in the fear of God as in a garment, blessed Longinus did not give him permission, on account of the schism of those monks in the desert who were not in communion with the catholic Church but in the sway of the contentious spirit and heresy of Eutyches and Dioscorus. Instead, he took him and entrusted him to blessed and sainted Hicelia, who was then building the church of the Cathisma of the Mother of God, since he would be able to be of use to her in the office of the Church and the other ministries; it was blessed Hicelia who at this time, having practised the whole way of piety, led the way in having the Presentation of God our Saviour celebrated with candles. She received the holy youth Theodosius and, finding him a very gifted cantor, enrolled him in the community of pious ascetics under her there. Some time later, when blessed Hicelia had died, he was appointed steward of the place. While he was performing this ministry blamelessly, it happened that the superior of the place died, at which they all unanimously elected Theodosius superior of the church of the Cathisma. But he, on hearing this, in fear of the danger in wielding authority, departed in flight.

(transl. Price)

Bibliografical ref.: 
The young Theodosius joins the monastic community of the newly built church of the Cathisma, ca. AD 456.