Jerusalem (Mount of Olives) - Eleona

X, 19-23

And further on to the east there are 2,340 steps going up to the Place of Teaching in which Christ taught the apostles saying, "I am about to be taken up. And as for you, go and teach the things I have taught you".

(transl. Wilkinson)

Bibliografical ref.: 
555, no. 23
Confused mention of the "Place of Teaching" on Mount Olivet, from an 8th cent. guidebook for pilgrims.

Wilkinson, pp. 333-334, after Milik, identifies "the Place of Teaching" (Didaskalion) with the Eleona on Mount Olivet, noting that “Epiph. understood it to have been the teaching given in the "forty days" after the Resurrection, Acts 1.3, which refers to Matt. 28.19.”