Jerusalem (Mount of Olives) - Gethsemane (Church of Agony)


(1) When the cocks begin to crow, everyone leaves the Imbomon, and comes down with singing to the place where the Lord prayed, as the Gospels describe in the passage which begins, "And he was parted from them about a stone's cast, and prayed" <Luke 22:41>. The bishop and all the people go into a graceful church which has been built there, and have a prayer appropriate to the place and the day, and one suitable hymn. Then the Gospel passage is read where he said to his disciples, "Watch, lest ye enter into temptation", and, when the whole passage has been read, there is another prayer. (2) From there all of them, including the smallest children, now go down with singing and conduct the bishop to Gethsemane. - - -

(transl. Wilkinson)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Holy Thursday at the church where Christ prayed, from an itinerary of AD 381-384.