Jerusalem (Mount of Olives) - Gethsemane (Church of Agony)

I, 12.4-5

 (4) Entering the lower round church of Saint Mary one sees on the right, let into the wall, a rock. On it the Lord knelt to pray m the field of Gethsemane just before he was betrayed, on the night when he was "given up into the hands of wicked men" <Mark 14:41> and to Judas. The marks of his knees are visible, printed deeply in this rock, as if it had been soft wax. This is the way our holy brother Arculf described it, and when he visited the holy places he saw with his own eyes what we are describing. The upper Church of Saint Mary is also round, and one can see four altars there.

(transl. Wilkinson)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Description of the rock on which the Lord prayed situated in the lower rotund church of St Mary, from an itinerary of ca. AD 681-684, composed ca. 698.