Sepphoris - East Church


At Ptolemais we left the coast and travelled into the Galilee region to a city called Diocaesarea, in which we venerated what they said was the flagon and the bread-basket of Saint Mary. The chair also was there on which she was sitting when the angel came to her.

(transl. Wilkinson)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Mention of a relic of the Annunciation at Diocaesarea, from an itinerary of ca. AD 570.

It is unknown to which of two excavated churches at Sepphoris, if any, does the text relate. On the Annunciation occuring at Diocaesaria rather than Nazareth, Wilkinson, p. 297, comments that "[a] tradition that the Blessed Virgin Mary had spent her childhood there was still remembered in the time of the Latin Kingdom by both those who accepted it (The Work on Geography, § 79) and those who disagreed (e.g. Fretellus, A Description of the Holy Places to Count Raymond, G 111)".