Beit Jimal - ST. STEPHEN

Church/Monastery name: 
Beit Jimal - ST. STEPHEN
Inscription number: 
Selected bibliography: 
247, fig. 1 (dr.) (ed. pr.)
148, no. 24
754, no. 519 (Feissel)
138-140, fig. 18 (ph.)
25, no. 23
Abbreviation for Journals and Series
Epigraphical corpora: 

SEG 56 (2006): 1892

CIIP IV.1 (2018): 3189 (ph., dr.)


Findspot: In the mosaic pavement of the nave.

Pres. loc.: In the Monastery, at the wall of the church. Autopsy: 18 October 2013 (Werner Eck / Dirk Koßmann).

Physical description : 

Set in a round medallion in the mosaic pavement of the nave. Only the extreme right of the inscription has survived, with two letters at the ends of five lines out of six to eight lines of the original text.

Meas.: ø (circle) 126, w (preserved) 78 cm; letters 9.5-11.5 cm.


            [- - - - - - - -]Θ̣Ε

            [- - - - - - - - ]ΟΥ

            [- - - - - - - -]ΟΥ

4          [- - - - -ἡγ]ουμέ-

            [νου - - - -θ]εο-

            [- - - - - - - -]


… abbot (?) …


Gisler and Puech give groundless reconstructions of the text, which is too broken to be restored.


Perhaps 15% of the letters, possibly even less, have survived, and since these are insignificant groups (ΟΥ for genitives, ΘΕ that can be part of θεός or of an epithet or of a name beginning with θεο-) they cannot provide a key for an interpretation.


Fragmentary Greek mosaic inscription set in a round medallion in the mosaic pavement of the nave.