Vertical tabsChurch Name, type, functionSite Name: Abu JuweiidChurch name: ChurchFunctional Type: UnknownChurch type: Unknown LocationCoordinates, ITM system: 170.59620.93 Coordinates, ICS system: 120.581,120.93 Location: RuralGeographical region: ShephelahDistance from nearest bishop-seat: ca. 13 km east of Ascalon.Provincial affiliation: Palaestina I Source of knowledgeArchaeological remainsBibliograpy: Huster, Y., 2015 Abbreviation for Journals and Series General descriptionState of preservation/which parts were uncovered: Marble fragments; mosaic pavement. DescriptionIllustrative material: Illustrative_material Small findsSmall finds illustrative material: Illustrative_material Detailed descriptionStructure Architectural EvolutionPhase 1 Abandonment Phase dateCentury: Early Christian / Byzantine Phase dateCentury: Unknown