Ḥorvat Kenes - Church

Church/Monastery name: 
Ḥorvat Kenes - Northern Church
Inscription number: 
Selected bibliography: 
22-23 (ph.) (in Hebrew)
170, fig. 10 (ph.)
143-144, fig. 4 (ph.)
Abbreviation for Journals and Series
Epigraphical corpora: 

SEG 63 (2013): 1566 (ed. pr.); SEG 66 (2016)

Inscription type: 

Within a round medallion in the mosaic pavement of the narthex.

Physical description : 

Roundel with serpentine border, letters in black on yellow-white ground, with hederae above and below.



       ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ τόπῳ

       Ζῶσυς καὶ Χαλλοῦς

4     καὶ Ροῦφος καὶ Ἰουλι-

       ανῆς καὶ Ἀρσακίου υ-

       [ἱο]ῦ καὶ Εὐθυμοῦς

       καὶ Ἀρσακίου καὶ

8     Κυρᾶς καὶ Ευστό⟨ρ⟩γι(ο)ς κ(αὶ)

       Μάχου διακ(ονος) Δόμν⟨η⟩

       Αδουθα Ματρῶ.


In this holy place may be remembered Zosys and Challous (?) and Rufus and Iuliana and and Arsacius (their) son, and Euthymia and Arsacius and Cyra and Eustorgius and Maches the deacon, Domne, Adoutha, Matrô (Matrona?).


Diagonal fillers at the end of ll. 4, 7 || 1. l. μνησθῶσιν || 3. Ζῶσυς: cf. SEG 42:1458, 62:1671 (80), 1688/1689, Di Segni || Χαα̣λους: cf. PAES IIIA.5.762 Χααλου (gen.), Zellmann-Rohrer; perhaps instead Χαλ̣λους or Χα⟨μ⟩ους, Di Segni || 6 Εὐθυμοῦς: hypocoristic of Εὐθυμία || 8. Εὐστόγις: i.e. Εὐστόργι(ο)ς || 9. Δόμνι i.e. Δόμνη, the first of three single women, in contrast to the pairs of husbands and wives preceding, Di Segni || 10. Αδουθα: cf. the Syrian Αδουδας discussed in SEG 54:971, Di Segni || Ματρώ(να) also possible, Di Segni.


Commemorative 10-line inscription within a medallion, in the mosaic pavement of the narthex.

Ecclesiastical titles: 
Personal names: 
Adoutha, Arsacius, Challous, Cyra, Domne, Eustorgius, Euthymia, Iuliana, Maches, Matrô / Matrona, Rufus, Zosys
Kinship terms: 
Epigraphical Abbreviations: 
diagonal stroke over kappa