402-404, no. 13, pl. VI.b (ph.) (ed. pr.) | |
65, no. 81 |
SEG 50 (2000): 1491
CIIP III (2014): 2454 (dr.)
In the mosaic pavement of the northern aisle of the basilica (Locus 6).
Damaged seven-line (?) mosaic inscription within a medallion framed by square; letters in black tesserae, standing on a double dividing line in black. "Le ρ de ὑπέρ est remplacé par une simple ligne de tesselles noires placée au bord du cercle" (Saliou).
Meas.: letters 4-7.6 cm.
Παύλου πρεσβυ(τέρου)
4 Οὐλπιανοῦ κ(αὶ) ὑπὲ(ρ)
ἀναπαύσαι(ως) Μα-
ρία[ς --]
On behalf of the salvation of Paulus, the priest, (son) of Ulpianus, and on behalf of the rest of Maria ... (CIIP)
Dedicatory mosaic inscription of Paulus and Maria within a medallion, in the northern aisle of the basilica.