Ascalon (Newe Yam) - Funerary Chapel

Church/Monastery name: 
Ascalon (Newe Yam) - Funerary Chapel
Inscription number: 
Selected bibliography: 
fig. 5 (ph.)
153-154, no. 3, fig. 9 (ph.) (ed. pr.)
Abbreviation for Journals and Series
Inscription type: 

At the centre of the mosaic pavement of the roofed chamber of the chapel, positioned to be read from the northern entrance (L906).

Physical description : 

Damaged five-line mosaic inscription. The inscription features a square Ε and a dropshaped O.


        Αὕτη ἡ πύλ-

        η τοῦ Κ(υρίο)υ, δί-

        καιο[ι εἰσ-]

4      ελε[ύσο]ντ-

        αι ἐ[ν α]ὐτῇ.


This is the gate of the Lord, the righteous shall enter by it. (Psalms 117 [118]:20)


Damaged five-live mosaic inscription with Psalms quotation within a square frame at the middle the roofed chamber of the chapel.

Citations from LXX / NT: 
Ps 117 (118):20
Epigraphical Abbreviations: 
horizontal stroke over nomen sacrum