Coming out of there, she climbed Sion, (a name) which means ‘citadel’ or ‘watchtower’. In ancient days David captured and rebuilt this city, and about its capture it is written, ‘Woe to thee, City of Ariel! (Ariel means “Lion of God”, for once it was very strong) which David captured’ <II Sam. 5:7–9; Is. 29:1>; and about the rebuilt city, ‘Her foundations are upon the holy mounts: the Lord loves the gates of Sion more than all the tents of Jacob’ <Ps. 87:1–2> – not meaning the gates we see now, which have been reduced to dust and ashes, but those gates against which Hell shall not prevail, through which the multitude of the faithful enters to Christ. There a column was shown, which supports the portico of the church, and which is stained with the Lord’s blood, for he is said to have been tied to it when he was scourged <Matt. 27:26>. Also the place was pointed out where the Holy Spirit came down upon the souls of a hundred and twenty persons, that the prophecy of Joel might be fulfilled <Acts 1:15; 2:4; Joel 2:28>.
(transl. Di Segni)
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