Jerusalem (Old city) - Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Golgotha)


The blessed one also recounted a similar miracle concerning the power of the holy Golgotha and of the divine grace hidden in it. Once a severe eruption broke out on the face of the blessed John the Eunuch and was consuming his whole face, distressing both [of them]. It was very painful for them: the blessed John [was] ashamed even to be seen by anyone. As [their] anxiety gained strength and was consuming their hearts, the believing Peter, coming to himself and being fervent in spirit and divine fervor, took the blessed John by night to the holy Anastasis. When they had gone up to the place of the holy Golgotha on the northern side, a place quiet and hidden, they knelt down, beseeching our Lord with bitter tears and groans. When after completing [their] prayer they got up and approached the worshipful rock of the holy Golgotha for worship, the blessed John saw [something] like a hand come out from there, approach his face, and wipe his whole face clean. At dawn, [his face] was found completely pure, without injury or defilement fromthe disease. Those [signs] surely [happened] for the demonstration of the divine power of the holy cross and for the assurance of our hope.

(trans. Horn and Phenix)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Miracle relating to the Rock of the Holy Golgotha, from from a life of Peter the Iberian written shortly after his death in AD 491.