Beit Sahur; Keniset er Rawat; Shepherds' Field - TURRIS ADDER; Shepherds' Field

36, 1

Stories told about Posidonius the Theban are hard to relate and are very many indeed — how great his meekness was, and what a great ascetic he was, and how complete was his goodness. I do not think I ever met another such as he was. For I lived with him for a year in Bethlehem when he lived beyond Poimenion <the Field>, and I was witness to his many virtues. - - -

(transl. Meyer)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Anecdotes about the ascetic Posidonius living "beyond the Field", from a collection written AD 419-420.

It is impossible to determine whether the text refers to the Roman Catholic site at Khirbet Siyar el-Ghanam or the Greek site at Keniset er-Ra'wat.