Jerusalem (Mt. Sion) - HOLY SION

II, 23 – ΙΙΙ, 10

And to the right of the (small church of the) Pavement is Holy Sion, the House of God. And at the great door on the left is the place where the holy Apostles carried the body of the most holy Mother of God after her departure. And at the right part of the same door is the vent-hole of the Gehenna of Fire, and near it is set up the stone at which they scourged Christ our God. And at the holy doors of the sanctuary are the footprints of Chriist. There he stood when he was judged by Pilate. To the right side of the altar is the Upper Room, where Christ had the Supper with his Disciples. And in the same place tradition has it that the Pharisee boasted and the publican humbled himself.

(transl. Wilkinson)

Bibliografical ref.: 
Description of the church of Holy Sion, from an 8th cent. guidebook for pilgrims.