Ma'ale Adumim; Kh. Murassas - MARTYRIUS


In those days <when Cyril was admitted to the coenobium of St Euthymius, in July 544> a monk was brought in from the monastery of Abba Martyrius, for he was terribly oppressed by an unclean spirit. His name was Paul and he came from the village of Tomessos in Cilicia Prima. He was put in the funeral chapel, near the tomb of our holy father Euthymius. After a few days (the saint) appeared at mid night and chased away the unclean spirit. Paul came up into the church at the hour of the nocturnal psalmody and in the presence of us all, praising God acknowledged the miracle that had been done for him. And the people of his coenobium, having heard that he had been cured, came to take him back, but he refused and so joined us in the works of our coenobium, with great zeal.

(transl. Leah Di Segni)

The monk Paul from the monastery of Abba Martyrius is cleansed at the tomb of Euthymius, ca. AD 544.