<After the ejection of the anti-Chalcedonian archbishop Theodosius from Jerusalem, Romanus is sent into exile to Antioch, where he remains for five years: 453-458.>
During the entire period of the blessed Romanus’ stay in Antioch, famine and drought oppressed all Palestine, so that the soil was arid and the people were in danger of starving to death. The inhabitants of the country clamoured against the apostate, Juvenal, for he had been the cause of the holy man’s exile; and they maintained that for this reason God’s just wrath had come upon them. The wretched man, fearing to be stoned or otherwise brought to grief by the hands of the people, interceded with Marcianus, though unwillingly, for the return of our father Romanus, also persuading the Empress Eudocia to add her entreaties to his. The Emperor gave permission, and not only gave leave to Romanus (to return), but for his sake he also ordered that all the holy men who were in exile might return home. So the blessed one came back to his own old monastery in Thekoa, that he had left (to go into exile). But, as the monastery was located within Juvenal’s jurisdiction, and also the village nearby was aroused by certain evil men, he moved to the region of Eleutheropolis…
(transl. Leah Di Segni from Latin)