Mar Saba; Deir Marsaba; Sabas; Great Laura - GREAT LAURA


(25) At about the above-mentioned time of the consecration of the church built by God, John <12 Dec. 490>, surnamed Conon, our Abba Sabas’ father, died in Alexandria, after having held great power and a distinguished place in the regiment (numerus) of the Isaurians. The blessed Sophia, who was already advanced in age, having heard that her son Sabas had become famous for his monastic exploits, sold all her possessions and came to Jerusalem. bringing with her a goodly sum of gold. The blessed Sabas welcomed her and made her renounce all worldly things. After a short time she went to rest. (Sabas) rendered her the last honours and laid her in a holy grave; as to her property, he secured it for his Laura. With these riches he purchased the hostel in Jericho with the attached orchards, for which he acquired a supply of water; he also built the hostel in the Laura for the service of the Fathers, and did many other good deeds.

(26) While the hostel of the Laura was being built, our father Sabas sent a monk to Jericho with the beasts of burden of the Laura. in order to bring timber. The brother went down (to Jericho), loaded the beasts and started on his march towards the Laura through the desert; but, as the heat at that hour had become intolerable, he began to feel very thirsty and faint, until he fell in the middle of the road. But, remembering the holy Elder. (the monk) prayed with these words: “O Lord, God of my Abba Sabas, do not forsake me!” And immediately God. who once led (the children of) Israel ‘in a pillar of cloud’ <Gen. 13:21>, spread out a cloud to shelter the brother. The cloud gave him a refreshing dew and restored his strength, and so he arrived at the Laura with this cloud as a companion.

(transl. Leah Di Segni)

Sabas buys a hostel in Jericho and builds one at the laura, ca. AD 490.
Key quotation(s): 
Gen. 13:21