Two carnal brothers from the village of Bouriron in the plain had great faith in holy Sabas; hence they used to faithfully receive any monks from his monasteries who came there on some errand, and would attend to their needs; and they also strove to distribute (the fruits) of their own work in a manner pleasing to God. Because of some action of the devil, in the season of the vintage both were taken so ill, that their family despaired of their life. In their affliction over the loss of the vintage, remembering Abba Sabas, (the two brothers) invoked the help of his prayers. And he appeared separately to each of them, saying: “Behold, I prayed to God for your health and he has granted my prayer: so, in the name of Jesus Christ the true God, rise and go about your work.” And immediately they were restored to their strength and went out to work, proclaiming the miracle to their families. And from that day, on the anniversary of the miracle, they give a public feast to all the people of their estate.
(transl. Leah Di Segni)