<Sabas, sent to Constantinople by the Patriarch, Peter, after the Samaritan revolt in 529-530 AD, received many alms from the Emperor and the imperial court.> … The godly Elder, after having expelled from his community Leontius of Byzance and the followers of Theodore of Mopsuhestia, as I have recounted, left them in Constantinople and sailed back to Palestine in the month of September of the ninth indiction <531 AD>. As soon as he arrived in Jerusalem, he published the imperial edicts and distributed the money that he had brought from Byzance among the monasteries under him. Then the above-mentioned deacon Jeremias, annoyed concerning the distribution of the money, withdrew from the Great Laura and took his abode in a desert torrent bed, about five stadia to the north of the Spelaion. Our father Sabas went to visit him, and seeing the place was overjoyed; he took some capable (monks), tools, money and supplies, and in a few days, working with great haste, he built there a small chapel and a number of cells, detached some brothers to live there and directed Jeremias to be their administrator, handing down to them the rules of his own Great Laura. And so by the grace of God Sabas established the place as a laura; which laura flourishes to this day and has taken the name of the blessed Jeremias.
Khirbet ez-Zaraniq - JEREMIAS
(transl. Leah Di Segni)
Jeremias withdraws into the desert, and Sabas provides builders, tools, money and supplies for the laura, AD 531.