
<Theodosius leaves the monastery of Ikelia at Kathisma and goes into the desert.>

And first of all he goes into the area around Metopa, to the blessed anchorite Marinus and to Abba Luke of Metopa, and learns the law of the desert from these men, who had been first educated in the monastic discipline by saint Euthymius. Then, after he had remained with them for some years, Abba Theodosius went to the hill-top, where now with God’s help stands his holy monastery, at a distance of six miles from the holy city; and he abode there in a cave, where now his venerable body lies.,contenting himself with wild herbs (for his food). Later he received a disciple, whom he educated to such an austere way of life. Once (Theodosius) discovered that his disciple had procured a pot and a kettle, and chased him away with these words: “If you really want to eat cooked food, you cannot stay with me, for my chosen way of life is harsher.” The rejected (disciple) took refuge with the above-mentioned Marcianus, now with the saints, who was head of a coenobium near holy Bethlehem. The great Marcianus summoned Abba Theodosius and said to him: “You have driven away a brother who has procured a pot: behold, a day will come, says the Lord, when the bronze vessels of your monastery ‘will be carried on poles’ <Num. 4:14>. For ‘a city on a hill cannot be hid’ <Matth. 5:14> and therefore, hidden as you are from everybody, God will accordingly make you conspicuous and manifest.” And these prophetic words did not fail, as it became clear to all; for by the good will of God the Father, with the assistance of Christ and the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, a great and populous coenobium was established there, which surpasses all the others and presides over the coenobia all over Palestine. That the coenobium of Abba Theodosius was founded by the good will and assistance of God, and not by human efforts, I shall try to show in not so many words.

(transl. Leah Di Segni)

Theodosius goes into the desert and start as a hermit.
Key quotation(s): 
Num. 4:14; Matth. 5:14