Once the fathers who resided in the cave came to the holy Elder to tell him that they were bothered by some shepherds, who constantly grazed their flocks in the area of the monastery and shamelessly demanded provisions, so that the fathers had no peace from them. Hearing this, the Elder sent (to the shepherds) a word of rebuke and his command never to come near the monastery again, but, since (the shepherds) did not obey, suddenly the udders of their animals ceased to give milk, and from that moment the newly born kids and lambs began to starve. Then the goat-herds came to their senses and, reckoning that their disobedience had brought about the death of their animals, hastened to come to the old man and, falling at his feet, they promised never to come near one of his monasteries again. The old man accepted their promise, said a prayer for them and dismissed them with his blessing. When the shepherds came back (to their flocks), they discovered that the milk was flowing freely (from the udders of the animals), and, at their inquiries, they were informed that the milk had begun to flow out exactly at the hour when the old man had prayed and blessed them; and they marvelled and glorified the Lord.
(transl. Leah di Segni)