


Displaying 3361 - 3380 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12084 Theodoret, of Cyrrhus, Evagrius 1854
Theodoret, of Cyrrhus and Evagrius, History of the Church, London, 1854.
12086 de Meester, P. 1937
de Meester, P., "Reglement des Bienheurex et Saints Feres Sabas-le Grand et Theodose-le-Cenobiarque pour la vie des monines cenobites et kelliotes", in: Monachesimo Palestinese, Lille, 1937: 1-32 (Text 295).
Book Section
12087 de Mendieta, E. A. 1955
de Mendieta, E. A., "Breve histoire du Mont-Athos, du IX e siecle a nos jours", in: La Presqu'ile des Caloyers, le Mont-Athos, Paris, 1955: 9-57.
Book Section
12088 Fabri, F. 1893
Fabri, F., "The Pilgrimage to the Dead Sea", in: Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society 2.1, london, 1893: 154-156.
Book Section
12089 Holmes, I. 1936
Holmes, I., "Shellal", in: The Shellal Mosaic: Anzec Day, Commemorative Booklet, Brisbane, 1936: 34-37.
Book Section
12093 Hieronymus, Stridonensis presbyterus 1918
Hieronymus, Stridonensis presbyterus, Epistula 108 (Paulae peregrinatio, or Epitaphium sanctae Paulae), in: Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum 55, 1918: 306–351.
‎♦ Jerome, Dalmatian monk and scholar, ca. 347–420, established in Bethlehem 386–420; Eulogy for Jerome’s friend, the Roman lady and nun Paula, composed on her death in 404, containing an account of Paula’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 385–386. For a textual correction of Ep. 108, see P. Devos, ‘Une fausse lecture dans la letter 108 de S. Jérome (Epitaphium Sanctae Paulae)’, AB 87 (1969), p. 213.
Ancient Text
12094 Kopp, C. 1929
"Mount Carmel", in: Elias und Christentum auf der Karmel, edited by Kopp, C., Paderbon, 1929: 33, 89-93; Figs. 4-5.
Book Section
12095 Jeremias, J. 1958
"Beth Guverin: Beit Jibrin: Kh. El-Basal, Micha Church (in: Der Prophet Micha (chirbet el-basal), p.82-86)", in: Heiligen- grabber in Jesu umwelt, edited by Jeremias, J., Göttingen‎, 1958: 86.
Book Section
12096 Vilnay, Z. 1960
"Jerusalem: Church of the Cross: Deir El- Mousallabeh (in: Hamatzleva, p.344-368)", in: Yerushalayim—Ha-'Ir Ha-chadasha, edited by Vilnay, Z., Jerusalem, 1960: 405-418; Plan (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12097 Van der Vliet, N. 1938‎
"Jerusalem: Probatica: The church of the Paralytic ", in: ‎"Sainte- Marie où elle est née" et la Piscine Probatique‎, edited by Van der Vliet, N., Jerusalem‎, 1938‎: 122-190.
Book Section
12098 Van der Vliet, N. 1938‎
"Jerusalem: St. Anna", in: ‎"Sainte- Marie où elle est née" et la Piscine Probatique‎, edited by Van der Vliet, N., Jerusalem‎, 1938‎: 1-122.
Book Section
12099 Loffreda, S. 1969‎
"The Church of the Primacy", in: New Memories of St. Peter by the Sea of Galilee‎, edited by Loffreda, S., Jerusalem‎, 1969‎: 61-70, Plan at 62.
Book Section
12100 Abel, F. M. 1934
Abel, F. M., "Emmaus: 'Amwas: 'Imwas (in: Les eglises de Palestine recemment decouvertes, p.493-506)", in: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, 1932, Roma, 1934: 493-495.
Book Section
12101 Abel, F. M. 1934‎
Abel, F. M., "Jerusalem: St. John the Baptist (in: Les eglises de Palestine recemment decouvertes, p.493-506)", in: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, 1932, Roma, 1934‎: 504.
Book Section
12102 Abel, F. M. 1934‎
Abel, F. M., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: Gethsemane: The Agony of Christ (in: Les eglises de Palestine recemment decouvertes, p.493-506)", in: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, 1932, Roma, 1934‎: 495f.
Book Section
12103 Abel, F. M. 1934‎
Abel, F. M., "Jerusalem: Mount of Olives: The Ascension (in: Les eglises de Palestine recemment decouvertes, p.493-506)", in: Atti del III Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, 1932, Roma, 1934‎: 501.
Book Section
12104 Enlart, C. 1925
Enlart, C., "Zir'in: Sirin ", in: Les Monuments des Croisés dans le Royaume de Jérusalem, II, Paris, 1925: 351.
Book Section
12105 Har-El, ‎M. 1971
Har-El, ‎M., "ST. Sophia (in Wadi an-Nar) (in: Judea Desert Monasteries, p.199-220)", in: The Judean Desert and the Dead Sea‎, Tel Aviv‎, 1971: ‎214-215 (in Hebrew)‎.[PDF File]
Book Section
12106 Har-El, ‎M. 1971
Har-El, ‎M., "'Ain Fara (Laura) (in: Giveon Desert Monasteries, p. 245-253)", in: The Judean Desert and the Dead Sea‎, Tel Aviv‎, 1971: ‎245-246 (in Hebrew)‎.[PDF File]
Book Section
12107 Har-El, ‎M. 1971
Har-El, ‎M., "Deir Wadi El-Qilt: Monastery of SS. John and George of Choziba: SS. John and George of Choziba (in: Giveon Desert Monasteries, p. 245-253)", in: The Judean Desert and the Dead Sea‎, Tel Aviv‎, 1971: ‎247-250 (in Hebrew)‎.
Book Section
