Displaying 1 - 20 of 4863Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
4931 | Bagatti, B. | 2002 |
Bagatti, B., Excavations in Nazareth. Vol. 2: From the 12th Century until Today, Jerusalem, 2002.
Book |
4933 | Buchwald, H. | 1999 |
Buchwald, H., Form, Style and Meaning in Byzantine Church Architecture, Aldershot, 1999.
Book |
4934 | Binns, J. | 1999 |
Binns, J., Ascetics and Ambassadors of Christ:The Monasteries of Palestine, Oxford, 1999.
Book |
4935 | White, L. M. | 1996 |
White, L. M., The social origins of Christian architecture, Valley Forge, Penn, 1996.
Book |
4936 | Louth, A. | 1996 |
Louth, A., Maximus the Confessor, London, 1996.
Book |
4937 | Wharton, A. J. | 1995 |
Wharton, A. J., Refiguring the Post Classical City: Dura Europos, Jerash, Jerusalem and Ravenna, New York, 1995.
Book |
4938 | Schick, R. | 1995 |
Schick, R., The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: A Historical and Archaeological Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995.
Book |
4939 | Patrich, J. | 1995 |
Patrich, J., The Judean Desert Monasticism in the Byzantine Period: The Institutions of Sabas and his Desciples (in Hebrew), Jerusalem, 1995.
Book |
4940 | Patrich, J. | 1995 |
Patrich, J., Sabas, leader of Palestinian monasticism: a comparative study in Eastern monasticism, fourth to seventh centuries, Washington, D.C., 1995.
Book |
4941 | Mazza, E. | 1995 |
Mazza, E., The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer, Collegeville, 1995.
Book |
4942 | Larson, J. | 1995 |
Larson, J., The marble lintels from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem: final report, June 1995: Volume I: Art historical documentation / Conservation report, Los Angeles, Calif. and Jerusalem, 1995.
Book |
4944 | Safrai, Z. | 1994 |
Safrai, Z., The Economy of Roman Palestine, Jerusalem, 1994.
Book |
4945 | Piccirillo, M. | 1994 |
Piccirillo, M., Umm al-Rasas Mayfa‘ah. Gli Scavi del Complesso di Santo Stefano, Jerusalem, 1994.
Book |
4946 | Patrich, J. | 1994 |
Patrich, J., Map of Deir Mar Saba (109/7), Jerusalem, 1994. |
Book |
4947 | Netzer, E. | 1991 |
Netzer, E., Masada III. The Yigal Yadin Excavations 1963-1965 Final Reports: The Buildings, Stratigraphy and Architecture, Jerusalem, 1991.
Book |
4948 | Ilan, Z. | 1991 |
Ilan, Z., Ancient Synagogues in Israel, Tel Aviv, 1991.
Book |
4949 | Govrin, Y. | 1991 |
Govrin, Y., Archaeological Survey of Israel. Map of Nahal Yattir (139). Archaeological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem, 1991.
Book |
4950 | Blowers, P. M. | 1991 |
Blowers, P. M., Exegesis and spiritual pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor: an investigation of the Quaestiones ad Thalassium, Notre Dame, Ind., 1991.
Book |
4951 | Atiya, A. S. | 1991 |
The Coptic Encyclopedia, Edited by Atiya, A. S., New York, 1991.
Book |
4952 | Tchalenko, G. | 1990 |
Tchalenko, G., Églises Syriennes à Bêma, Paris, 1990.
Book |