


Displaying 3461 - 3480 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12189 Avi-Yonah, M. 1937
Avi-Yonah, M., "Two Notes on the Jordan Valley", Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 17 (1937): 252-254.
Journal article
12191 Glueck, N. 1939
Glueck, N., "Exploration in Eastern Palestine III", Annual of the American School of Oriental Research 18-19 (1939): 1-3, figs. 1-2.
Journal article
12195 Vincent, L. H. 1922
Vincent, L. H., "Néby Samoūil", Revue Biblique 31, no. 3 (1922): 360-402.
Journal article
12196 Kallai, Z. 1972
Kallai, Z., "En-Nabi Samwil (in: Survey of the Land of Binyamin and Mount-Efraim, p.153-196)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem, 1972: 185-186 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12197 Magen, Y., Dadon, M. 1999
Magen, Y. and Dadon, M., "Nebi Samwil (Shemuel Hanavi-Har Hasimha)", Qadmoniot 32.2, no. 117 (1999): 62-72 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12198 Magen, Y., Dadon, M. 2003
Magen, Y. and Dadon, M., "Nebi Samwil (Monjoie)", in: One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Chrupcała, L. D., Jerusalem, 2003: 123-138.
Book Section
12200 Vitto, F. 1984
Vitto, F., "Horvat Bata (Karmiel) - 1984", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 3 (1984): 7-8.
Journal article
12201 Klein, E. 2014
Klein, E., "The Nunnery at Horvat Hani-Grave Site of Hannah, Mother of Samuel the Prophet?", in: Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Degni, edited by Bottini, G. C., Chrupcała, L. D. and Patrich, J., Milan, 2014: 211-214.
Book Section
12202 Di Segni, L. 2014
Di Segni, L., "Ḥorvat Ḥani: The Inscriptions", in: Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Degni, edited by Bottini, G. C., Chrupcała, L. D. and Patrich, J., Milan, 2014: 205-208.
Book Section
12210 Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E. 2001
Eshel, H., Magness, J. and Shenhav, E., "Surprises at Yattir: Unexpected Evidence of early Christianity‎", Biblical Archaeology Review 27, no. 4 (2001): 32-36,59.
Journal article
12213 Bordowicz, I. 2007
Bordowicz, I., Christian settlement in the south Hebron Hills in the Byzantine Period in light of the archaeological findings at Horvath Yattir (in Hebrew), Ph.D. Dissertation, Bar-Ilan University, 2007.
12214 Di Segni, L. 1997
Di Segni, L., "Iethira, Yathir", in: Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine from the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Jerusalem, 1997: 672-675.
Book Section
12216 Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L., Green, J. 1994
"Iethira", in: Tabula Imperii Romani - Iudaea-Palaestina: Eretz Israel in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L. and Green, J., Jerusalem, 1994: 151-152.
Book Section
12217 Eshel, H., Magness, J., Shenhav, E. 2008
Eshel, H., Magness, J. and Shenhav, E., "Yattir, Khirbet", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land 5, Supplementary Volume, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 2008: 2069-2070.[PDF File]
12244 Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L., Green, J. 1994
"Cariath Iarim", in: Tabula Imperii Romani - Iudaea-Palaestina: Eretz Israel in the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Di Segni, L. and Green, J., Jerusalem, 1994: 100.
Book Section
12245 Milik, J. T. 1960
Milik, J. T., "Qarait(ya'r)im (in: Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie palestiniennes, p.550-591)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 4 (1960): 577.
Journal article
12246 Schick, R. 1995
Schick, R., "Abu Gosh", in: The Christian Communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic Rule: A Historical and Archaeological Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 1995: 240.
Book Section
12254 Avi-Yonah, M. 1933
Avi-Yonah, M., "'Abud (in: Mosaic Pavements in Palestine; p. 136-181)", Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine 2 (1933): 137.
Journal article
12255 Bagatti, B. 2002
Bagatti, B., "Cariathiarim or Abu Gosh", in: Ancient Christian Villages of Samaria, Jerusalem, 2002: 173-177.
Book Section
12265 Séjourné‎, P. M. 1892
Séjourné‎, P. M., "Chronique biblique", Revue Biblique 1, no. 2 (1892): 257-274.
Journal article
