


Displaying 4161 - 4180 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
14829 Ustinova, Y., Seriy, G. 2018
Ustinova, Y. and Seriy, G., "A Byzantine-Period Funerary Chapel in the Newe Yam Dalet Neighborhood in Ashqelon", ‘Atiqot no. 90 (2018): 147-158.[PDF File]
Journal article
14832 Seriy, G. 2012
Seriy, G., "Ashqelon, Neve Yam Dalet: Preliminary Report", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 124 (2012).
Journal article
14846 Editor 2016 Journal article
14847 APF 2016
APF, "Ancient Church Unearthed on Gaza Building Site", Breitbart (2016).
Journal article
14848 Elman, M. 2016 Journal article
14849 Reuters 2016
Reuters, "Remnants From Ancient Church Unearthed in Gaza by Construction Workers", Haaretz (2016).
Journal article
14850 Saher Kawas 2016
Saher Kawas, "What Is The Fate Of The Byzantine Church Ruins Found In Gaza?", The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (2016).
Journal article
14858 Tepper, Y. 2018
Tepper, Y., "A Church from the Byzantine, Umayyad and Abbasid Periods and Remains from Iron Age I at Tamra (ez-Zuʻab iyya ) in Ramat Issakhar", ‘Atiqot 90 (2018): 55*-106*(in Hebrew, with English summary, 168-171).
Journal article
14859 Syon, D. 2018
Syon, D., "The Coins from Tamra (ez-Zu‘abiyya)", ‘Atiqot 90 (2018): 107*–108* (in Hebrew, with English summary, 172).
Journal article
14863 Tchekhanovets, Y. 2017
Tchekhanovets, Y., "The 1930's Excavations at the YMCA Site in Jerusalem and the Byzantine 'Monastery of the Iberians'", Liber Annuus 67 (2017): 427-448.
Journal article
14870 Sudilovsky, J. 2003
Sudilovsky, J., "Bathhouse uncovered at Kursi", Biblical Archaeology Review 29, no. 1 (2003): 18.
Journal article
14872 Aharoni, Y., Fritz, V., Kempinski, A. 1975
Aharoni, Y., Fritz, V. and Kempinski, A., "Excavations at Tel Masos (Khirbet el-Meshash)", Tel Aviv 2 (1975): 97-124.
Journal article
14894 Kloner, A., Graicer, N. 2014
Kloner, A. and Graicer, N., "A Byzantine Church near Tel Maresha", Qadmoniot 47, no. 147 (2014): 42-47.
Journal article
14896 Segal, I. 2017
Segal, I., "Provenance Study of a Basaltic Millstone from the Byzantine Monastery in Nahal Qidron, Jerusalem", ‘Atiqot 89 (2017): 107-109.
Journal article
14905 Russo, E. 1987
Russo, E., "La Scultura del VI secolo in Palestina. Considerazioni e proposte", Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia. Series Altera in 8. 6 (1987): 113-248.
Journal article
14906 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "345. Anab el-Kabir", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 280-3.
Book Section
14908 Bar-Asher, M. 2012
Bar-Asher, M., "Syropalestinian Inscription from the Church at 'Anab el-Kabir", in: Christians and Christianity IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 393-396.
Book Section
14932 Bar Nathan, R., Mazor, G. 1992
Bar Nathan, R. and Mazor, G., "Town Center (south) and the Area of Tel Isttaba", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 98 (1992): 44-46.
Journal article
14964 Habas, L. 1999
Habas, L., "The Marble Furniture", in: The Early Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Ed-Deir in the Judean desert : the excavations in 1981-1987, edited by Hirschfeld, Y., Jerusalem, 1999: 119-132.
Book Section
14988 Hirschfeld, Y. , Shapira, Y. 1999
Hirschfeld, Y. and Shapira, Y., "Ramla, Nesher Quarries (East)", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 110 (1999): 70 (in Hebrew); 52* (in English).
Journal article
