


Displaying 601 - 620 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
9161 Boas, A. J., Khammisy, R. 2008
Boas, A. J. and Khammisy, R., "The Teutonic Castle of Montfort/Starkenberg (Qal’at Qurein)", in: L’Ordine Teutonico tra Mediterraneo e Baltico, edited by Houben, H. and Acta Theutonica Galatina, Galatina, 2008: 347-61.
Book Section
9162 Bonde, S., Mains, C. 1992
Bonde, S. and Mains, C., "The Archaeology of Monasticism: Ten Years Work at the Augustinian Abbey of Saint-Jean-des-Vigne, Soissons", in: Medieval Europe, York, 1992: 83-88.
Book Section
9163 Boudignon, C. 2004
Boudignon, C., "Maxime le Confesseur était-il Constantinopolitain?", in: Philomathestatos. Studies in Greek and Byzantine Texts Presented to Jacques Noret for his Sixty-Fifth Birthday, Etudes de patristique grecque et textes byzantins offerts a Jacques Noret a l'occasion de ses soixante-cinq ans, edited by Janssens, B. and Roosen, P. V. D. B., Leuven - Paris, 2004: 11-43.
Book Section
9164 Brenk, B. 1993
Brenk, B., "Fruhes Monchtum in Syrien aus archaeologischer sicht", in: Syrien von den Apostteln zu den Kalifen, edited by Ruprechtsberger, E. M., Linz, 1993: 66-81.
Book Section
9165 Bridel, P. 1986
Bridel, P., "De la petite solitude des Kellia a la conquete de l'oust du delta", in: The Archaeology of the Nile Delta: Problems and Priorities, edited by van-den-Brink, E. C. M., Cairo, 1986: 283-288.
Book Section
9166 Bridel, P. 1989-1990
Bridel, P., "Le site des Kellia et son exploration par la mission Suisse", in: Les Kellia, ermitages coptes en Basse-Egypte, Geneve, 1989-1990: 21-32.
Book Section
9167 Britt, K. C. 2012
Britt, K. C., "The Chancel Mosaic Floor of the Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Latatin", in: Christians and Christianity III- Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 433 - 444.
Book Section
9168 Brosh, N. 2012
Brosh, N., "Glass objects from the Cardo and the Nea Church", in: Jewish Quarter Excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem Conducted by Nahman Avigad, 1969-1982. Volume V: The Cardo (Area X) and the Nea Church (Areas D and T). Final Report, edited by Gutfeld, O., Avigad, N. and Geva, H., Jerusalem, 2012: 400 - 425.
Book Section
9169 Broshi, M. 1993
Broshi, M., "Excavations in the Holy Sepulchre in the Chapel of St. Vartan and the Armenian Martyrs", in: Ancient Churches Revealed, edited by Tsafrir, Y., Jerusalem, 1993: 118-122.
Book Section
9170 Brown, P. 1972
Brown, P., "Sorcery, Demons and the Rise of Christianity: From Late Antiquity into the Middle Ages", in: Religion and Society in the Age of Saint Augustine, New york, Evanston, San Francisco ,London, 1972: 119-146.
Book Section
9171 Brown, P. 1982
Brown, P., "Town, Village and Holy Man: The Case of Syria", in: Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity, London, 1982: 153-165.
Book Section
9172 Brown, P. 1982
Brown, P., "The Rise and the Function of the Holy Man in Late Antiquity‎", in: Society and the Holy in Late Antiquity, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1982: 103-152.
Book Section
9173 Brown, P. 1987
Brown, P., "The Saint as Exemplar in Late Antiquity", in: Saints and Virtues, edited by Hawley, J. S., Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1987: 3-14.
Book Section
9174 Burdajewicz, M. 2006
Burdajewicz, M., "Conservation Work in the North-West Church Complex", in: Hippos (Sussita): Seventh Season of Excavations, July 2006, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2006: 60 – 65.
Book Section
9175 Buschausen, H. 1982
Buschausen, H., "Die Fassade der Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem", in: Crusader Art in the Twelfth Century, edited by Folda, J., Jerusalem, 1982: 71-89.
Book Section
9176 Campbell, S. D. 1985
Campbell, S. D., "The Hare Mosaic: A Comparative Study", in: Excavations in Jerusalem 1961–1962, edited by Tushingham, A. D., Toronto, 1985: 87-88.
Book Section
9177 Castellana, P. 2003
Castellana, P., "Vasche battesimali nella Siria del Nord", in: One Land - Many Cultures. Archaeological Studies in Honour of Stanislao Loffreda OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Chrupcała, L. D., Jerusalem, 2003: 359-366.
Book Section
9178 Chadwick, H. 1985
Chadwick, H., "The Ascetic Ideal in the History of the Church", in: Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition. Meeting of the Ecclesiastical history Society, edited by Sheils, W. J., Oxford, 1985: 1-23.
Book Section
9179 Chambers, S. 2013
Chambers, S., "Window Glass Finds in the Northeast Church", in: Hippos - Sussita of the Decapolis. The First Twelve Seasons of Excavations 2000 - 2011, edited by Segal, A. et al., Haifa, 2013: 243-249.
Book Section
9180 Chen, D. 1990
Chen, D., "On Planning of Synagogues and Churches in Palestine: A Comparison with Syria and Illyricum", in: Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo OFM, edited by Bottini, G. C., Di Segni, L. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1990: 523-534.
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