‘Le début de la Vie de S. Étienne le Sabaïte retrouvé en arabe au Sinaï’
Garitte, G., ‘Le début de la Vie de S. Étienne le Sabaïte retrouvé en arabe au Sinaï’, in: Analecta Bollandiana 77, 1959: 332–369.
♦ Life of Stephanus, monk of the Great Laura of Sabas; written in Greek after his death on 31 March 794 by his disciple Leontius of Damascus. The beginning is lost and preserved only in an Arabic translation. For an edition and Italian translation of the full Arabic biography see B. Pirone, Vita di santo Stefano Sabaita (SBF – Studia Orientalia Christiana, Monographiae, 4), Cairo–Jerusalem 1991; idem, ‘Un altro frammento della Vita di s. Stefano Sabaita’, Studia Orientalia Christiana Collectanea 25 (1992), pp. 217–232.