


Displaying 3621 - 3640 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12654 Mader, A. E. 1934
Mader, A. E., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes", Das Heilige Land‎ 78 (1934): 1ff. 41-66. 129-149.
Journal article
12655 Crowfoot, J. W. 1941
Crowfoot, J. W., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes", in: Early Churches in Palestine, London, 1941: 73-77, 111, 122-124, 159.
Book Section
12656 Schapiro, M., Avi-Yonah, M. 1960
Schapiro, M. and Avi-Yonah, M., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes", in: Israel Ancient Mosaics, New York, 1960: 9. 16f. 20-22.
Book Section
12657 Ovadiah, A. 1970
Ovadiah, A., "'Ein Ha-Shiv'ah: Et-Tabgha: The Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes", in: Corpus of the Byzantine Churches in the Holy Land, Bonn, 1970: 56-59 (no.46a-b).
Book Section
12661 Piphano, Sh. 1990
Piphano, Sh., Ashdod Yam in Byzantine Period Israel [in Hebrew]‎, Ashdod, 1990.
12662 Berman, A. and Barda, L. 2005
Berman, A. and Barda, L., Map of Nizzanim-West (87), Map of Nizzanim-East (88)‎, Jerusalem, 2005.
12663 Brand, E. 2001
Brand, E., "Agricultural Device in Ashkelon Coast", in: Ashkelon: A City of the Seashore, edited by Sasson, A., Safrai, Z. and Sagiv‎, N., Ashkelon, 2001: 203-211 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12664 Meron, D. 1976
Meron, D., "Ashkelon - Byzantine Church", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 59 (1976): 40 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12666 Perez, I. 2008
Perez, I., "Khirbat el-Hannuna", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 120 (2008).
Journal article
12667 Lamdan, M., Ziffer, D., Huster, Y., Ronen, A. 1977
Lamdan, M., Ziffer, D., Huster, Y. and Ronen, A., A Prehistoric Archaeological Survey in Nahal Shiqma (in Hebrew), Shaar Hanegev, 1977.
12668 Cohen, M. 1993
Cohen, M., Between the Besor and Shiqma: Settlement Distribution in Selected Periods [in Hebrew], Jerusalem, 1993.
12669 Schuster, Y. 2000
Schuster, Y., "Horbat Herev", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 112 (2000): 133-135 (in Hebrew, 106*-107* English summery).
Journal article
12670 Bagatti, B. 2001
Bagatti, B., Ancient Christian Villages of Galilee, Jerusalem, 2001.
12681 Seligman, J. 2004
Seligman, J., "A Georgian Monastery at Umm Leisun, Jerusalem", New Studies on Jerusalem 10 (2004): 163-167 (Hebrew).
Journal article
12682 Schiller, E. 1980
"Shepherds Field (Deir el- Ra'Wat)", in: Bethlehem and the Nativity Church, edited by Schiller, E., Jerusalem, 1980: 99-102 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12700 Gadot, Y. 2005
Gadot, Y., "Horbat Sher Survey", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 117 (2005).
Journal article
12701 Farhi, Y., Gadot, Y. 2006
Farhi, Y. and Gadot, Y., "Horbat Sher", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 118 (2006).
Journal article
12705 Horn, C. B. 2003
Horn, C. B., "Peter the Iberian and Palestinian Anti-chalcedonian Monasticism in Fifth- and Early Six- Century Gaza", ARAM Periodical 15 (2003): 109-128.
Journal article
12707 Schiller, E. 1980
"The Franciscan' Shepherds Field Church (Siyar el-Ghanam)", in: Bethlehem and the Nativity Church, edited by Schiller, E., Jerusalem, 1980: 103-104 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12708 Cohen, R. 1977
Cohen, R., "Siyar el-Ghanam (in: Monasteries, p. 876-885)", in: Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Avi-Yonah, M., Jerusalem, 1977: 884-885.
