


Displaying 3741 - 3760 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
13286 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "Caesarea: The octagonal church", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 235-251.
Book Section
13287 Shalev-Hurwitz, V. 2015
Shalev-Hurwitz, V., "Capernaum: The octagonal church of St Peter's house", in: Holy Sites Encircled: The Early Byzantine Concentric Churches of Jerusalem, Oxford, 2015: 267-273.
Book Section
13292 Finkielsztejn, G. 2005
Finkielsztejn, G., "Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): Un évêché (?) entre village et cité", La mosaïque gréco-romaine IX (2005): 435-452.
Journal article
13293 Siegelmann, A. 1996
Siegelmann, A., "Soundings at Ḥ. Qastra, 1988", ‘Atiqot 29 (1996): 77*-92* (Hebrew with English summary: 113).
Journal article
13294 Yeivin, Z., Finkielsztejn, G. 1999
Yeivin, Z. and Finkielsztejn, G., "Ḥorbat Castra – 1993-1997", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 109 (1999): 32-38 (Hebrew; English: 23*-27*).
Journal article
13299 Stern, E. 2008
The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Supplementary volume, Edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem, 2008.
13300 Milik, J. T. 1960
Milik, J. T., "Saint-Menas (in: Notes d'épigraphie et de topographie palestiniennes, p.354-367)", Revue Biblique 67, no. 3 (1960): 362.
Journal article
13301 Elgavish, J. 1978
Elgavish, J., "Shiqmona, Tel", in: Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Avi-Yonah, M. and Stern, E., Jerusalem, 1978: 1101-1109.
13302 Galoustian, S. 1958
Galoustian, S., "Pavement Works at St. James Cathedral and Excavations on that Occasion", Sion (1958): July-August, pp. 194-197; September-October, pp. 232-238; November-December, pp. 289-293 (in Armenian).
Journal article
13308 Ajamian, S. 1981
Ajamian, S., "L'eglise Armenienne Saint-Jacques de Jerusalem", Le Monde de la Bible 21 (1981): 12-25.
Journal article
13309 Kempinksi, A., Finkelstein, I. 1993
Kempinksi, A. and Finkelstein, I., "Shiloh", in: The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by Stern, E., Jerusalem‎, 1993: 1364-1370.[PDF File]
13323 Yeivin, Z., Finkielsztejn, G. 2008
Yeivin, Z. and Finkielsztejn, G., "Les roues du bourg byzantine de Kfar Samir («Castra»; Porphyreon du Sud) à Haïfa, Israël", in: La rue dans l’antiquité: définition, aménagement et devenir de l‘orient méditerranéen à la Gaule. Actes du colloque de Poitiers, 7-9 septembre 2006, organisé par l’équipe d’accueil EA 3811, HERMA, université de Poitiers, edited by Ballet, P., Dieudonné, N. and Saliou, C., Rennes, 2008: 185-190.
Book Section
13325 Avi-Yonah, M. 1954
Avi-Yonah, M., "Beit Safafa (in: Christian Archaeology in Israel, 1948-1954; p. 20-26)", Christian News from Israel 5, no. 1-2 (1954): 23-24.
Journal article
13328 Landau, J., Avi Yonah, M. 1957
Landau, J. and Avi Yonah, M., "Excavations of the Family Vault near Beit Safafa", Bulletin of the Department of Antiquities of the State of Israel 5-6 (1957): 40-43 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13329 Avi-Yonah, M. 1957
Avi-Yonah, M., "A note on the dating of the inscription from Beit Safafa", Bulletin of the Department of Antiquities of the State of Israel 5-6 (1957): 43 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
13330 Barash, I. 2012
Barash, I., "Glass vassels from the Late Byzantine buildings along the eastern fringes of Tel Shiqmona", ‘Atiqot 72 (2012): 131-134 (in Hebrew; English summery 95*).
Journal article
13333 Humbert, J.-B., Abu Hassuneh, Y., Hassuneh, A., Abu Muhammar, M., Salim. H. 2000
Humbert, J.-B., Abu Hassuneh, Y., Hassuneh, A., Abu Muhammar, M. and Salim. H., "Mukheitem a Jabaliyah, un site byzantin", in: Gaza Mediterraneenne. Historie et archeologie en Palestine, Paris, 2000: 121-127.
Book Section
13337 Jérôme 2007
Jérôme, Vita Hilarionis / Vie d’Hilarion, in: Trois Vies de Moines (Paul, Malchus, Hilarion), edited by Leclerc, P., Morales, E. M. and de Vogüé, A., Paris, 2007: 212-299.
Ancient Text
13338 Humbert, J.-B. 1999
Humbert, J.-B., "The Rivers of Paradise in the Byzantine Church near Jabaliyah–Gaza", in: The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997. Travelling through the Byzantine Umayyad Period, Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Amman, 7-9 April 1997, edited by Piccirillo, M. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1999: 216-218.
Book Section
13342 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1881
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Deburieh", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 1. sheets I.-IV. Galilee, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W., London, 1881: 384.
Book Section
