


Displaying 3961 - 3980 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
14380 Guérin, V. 1869
Guérin, V., "Kh. Kufin", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Judée 3, Paris, 1869: 297.
Book Section
14381 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1883
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Kh. Kufin", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 3. sheets XVII.-XXVI. Judæa, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W, London, 1883: 358.
Book Section
14382 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "254. Khirbet Kufin", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 154-5.
Book Section
14387 Magen, Y., Kagan, E. D. 2012
Magen, Y. and Kagan, E. D., "364. Khirbet el-Quseife", in: Christians and Christianity II- Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, edited by Malka, A. H., Jerusalem, 2012: 310-13.
Book Section
14398 Guérin, V. 1880
Guérin, V., "Kh. Mahoz", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Galilee 1, Paris, 1880: 439-442.
Book Section
14399 Renan, E. 1864
Renan, E., "Kh. Yarun ed Deir", in: Mission de Phénicie, 1864: 680-2.
Book Section
14400 Huttenmeister F., Reeg G. 1977
Huttenmeister F. and Reeg G., "Kh. Yarun ed Deir", in: Die Antiken Synagogen in Israel, Wiesbaden, 1977: 522.
Book Section
14402 Guérin, V. 1880
Guérin, V., "Kh. Yarun ed Deir", in: Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin; Galilee 2, Paris, 1880: 105-7.
Book Section
14403 Conder, C. R., Kitchener, H. H. 1881
Conder, C. R. and Kitchener, H. H., "Kh. Yarun ed Deir", in: The Survey of Western Palestine: memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, and archaeology; Volume 1. sheets I.-IV. Galilee, edited by Palmer, E. H. and Besant, W., 1881: 221, 258-260.
Book Section
14415 Alt, A. 1939
Alt, A., "Die Reiterstadt Gaba", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1878-1945) 62, no. 1/2 (1939): 3-21.
Journal article
14416 Schmitt, G. 1987
Schmitt, G., "Gaba, Getta und Gintikirmil", Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (1953-) 103 (1987): 22-48.
Journal article
14417 Siegelmann, A. 1984
Siegelmann, A., "Identification of Gaba Hippeon", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 116, no. 2 (1984): 89-93.
Journal article
14418 Josephus Flavius [37-after 100] 1927-28 [75-79]
Josephus Flavius [37-after 100], Bell.= Bellum Iudaicum, edited by Thackeray, H. St. J., London, 1927-28 [75-79].
Ancient Text
14419 Nau, F. 1909
Not. Antioch. = Notitia Antiochena, in: ROC, edited by Nau, F., 1909: 209-219.
Ancient Text
14420 Editor 1963
Editor, "Mosaic in Mishmar ha-'Emeq", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 8 (1963): 21 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14421 Giveon, R. 1964
Giveon, R., "Mishmar ha-'Emeq", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 9 (1964): 19-20 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14422 Siegelmann, A. 1977
Siegelmann, A., "Tell Abu Ahusha", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 61-62 (1977): 60-61 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14423 Siegelmann, A. 1978
Siegelmann, A., "Mishmar ha-'Emeq - tomb", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 65-66 (1978): 6-7 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14424 Siegelmann, A. 1981
Siegelmann, A., "Mishmar ha-'Emeq - Tel Shush", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 76 (1981): 15-16 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
14425 Giveon, R. 1983-4
Giveon, R., "Geva, a new fortress city: from Tuthmosis to Herod", Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society‎ 3 (1983-4): 45-46.
Journal article
