


Displaying 4321 - 4340 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
16174 Κοικυλίδου Κ. Μ. 1902 Book
16205 Bogdanović, J. 2017
Bogdanović, J., The Framing of Sacred Space. The Canopy and the Byzantine Church, New York, NY, 2017.
16210 Bennett, C. M., Humphreys, C. S. 1974
Bennett, C. M. and Humphreys, C. S., "The Jerusalem Ship", International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 3 (1974): 307-310.
Journal article
16214 Clermont-Ganneau, C. 1874
Clermont-Ganneau, C., "The Jerusalem Researches", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 6, no. 2 (1874): 80-111.
Journal article
16215 Clermont-Ganneau, C. 1874
Clermont-Ganneau, C., "The Jerusalem Researches", Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 6, no. 1 (1874): 3-10.
Journal article
16219 Bagatti, B. 1952-1953
Bagatti, B., "Espressioni Bibliche nelle antiche Iscrizioni cristiana della Palestina", Liber Annuus 3 (1952-1953): 111-148.
Journal article
16232 Puech, É., Zias, J. 2003
Puech, É. and Zias, J., "Le tombeau de Zacharie et Siméon au monument funéraire dit d'Absalom dans la Vallée de Josaphat", Revue Biblique 110, no. 3 (2003): 321-335.
Journal article
16233 Puech, É., Zias, J. 2004
Puech, É. and Zias, J., "Le tombeau de Siméon et Zacharie dans la vallée de Josaphat", Revue Biblique 111, no. 4 (2004): 563-577.
Journal article
16234 Zias, J., Puech, É. 2005
Zias, J. and Puech, É., "The Tomb of Absalom Reconsidered", Near Eastern Archaeology 68, no. 4 (2005): 148-165.
Journal article
16235 Guérin, V. 1880
Guérin, V., Description geographique, historique et archeologique de la Palestine: par m.v. Guerin I-II: Galilee, Paris, 1880.
16239 Taxel, I. 2013
Taxel, I., "Identifying Social Hierarchy through House Planning in the Villages of Late Antique Palestine: the Case of Horvat Zikhrin", Antiquité Tardive 21 (2013): 149-166.
Journal article
16251 Corbo, V. C. 1964
Corbo, V. C., "Chronique Archeologique", Revue Biblique 71, no. 2 (1964): 258-263.
Journal article
16252 Corbo, V. C. 1968
Corbo, V. C., "Gebel Fureidis (Herodium) (in: Chronique Archeologique, p. 379-428)", Revue Biblique 75, no. 3 (1968): 424-428.
Journal article
16253 Corbo, V. C. 1967
Corbo, V. C., "Herodium chapel (?)", Christian News from Israel 18, no. 3-4 (1967): 33-6, Fig. facing 33.
Journal article
16254 Corbo, V. C. 1963
Corbo, V. C., "L'Herodion di Gebal Fureidis", Liber Annuus 13 (1963): 219-277.
Journal article
16258 Corbo, V. C. 1968
Corbo, V. C., "Herodium (Upper Chapel ?)", Qadmoniot 1, no. 4 (1968): 132-136, Fig. at 133.
Journal article
16260 Robinson, E., Smith, E., and oth. 1867
Robinson, E., Smith, E. and and oth., Biblical Researches in Palestine and the Adjacent Regions: A Journal of Travels in the Years 1838 and 1852, volume 1. London: John Murray, London, 1867.
16261 Migne, J.-P. 1865
Migne, J.-P., Nicephori Callisti. Xanthopuli. Ec clesiasticae Historiae. Series: Patrologiae Cursus Completus. Series Graeca, tomus 146, Paris, 1865.
Ancient Text
16285 Gass, E., Zissu, B. 2009
Gass, E. and Zissu, B., "Sel'a 'Etam and Samson Traditions from the Biblical to the Byzantine Periods", in: Man near a Roman Arch studies presented to prof. Yoram Tsafrir, edited by Di Segni, L., Hirschfeld, Y., Patrich, J. and Talgam, R., Jerusalem, 2009: 25*-46*.
Book Section
16324 Magen, Y. 2008
Magen, Y., "The Inn of the Good Samaritan at Maʿale Adummim", in: The Samaritans and the Good Samaritan, Jerusalem, 2008: 281-314.
Book Section
