


Displaying 4441 - 4460 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
17277 Shadman, A. 2018
Shadman, A., "The ‘Monastery of Theodosius’ at Khirbet Te’ena", Liber Annuus 68 (2018): 303-334.
Journal article
17278 Glueck, N. 1943
Glueck, N., "Archaeological Activity in Palestine and Transjordan in 1941-1942", American Journal of Archaeology 47, no. 1 (1943): 125-131.
Journal article
17282 Foerster, G. 1978
Foerster, G., "The Story of Jonah on the Mosaic Pavement of a Church at Beth Govrin (Israel)", in: Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana : Roma 21-27 settembre 1975, Rome, 1978: vol. 2, 289-294.
Book Section
17285 Fischer, M. 1986
Fischer, M., "Khirbet Zikhrin (1982 à 1984) (in: Chronique archéologique, p. 236-284)", Revue Biblique 93, no. 2 (1986): 269-276.
Journal article
17287 Patrich, J. 1985
Patrich, J., "Caves of Refuge and Jewish Inscriptions on the Cliffs of Naḥal Michmas", Eretz-Israel 18 (1985): 153-166 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
17316 Govrin, Y. 2015
Govrin, Y., The settlement pattern in the "Negev of Judah" in the Byzantine era (in Hebrew), Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Archaeology, University of Haifa., 2015.
17384 Ilan, Z. 1988/89
Ilan, Z., "Ancient Synagogues Survey, Judean Shephelah", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 7-8 (1988/89): 5-6.
Journal article
17435 Maiberger, P. 1983
Maiberger, P., "Die syrischen Inschriften als Quelle zur Geschichte der Nestorianer in Palästina", in: Ergebnisse der Aisgrabungen auf der Hirbet el-Masas (Tel Masos). 1972-1975, edited by Fritz, V. and Kempinski, A., Wiesbaden, 1983: 158-185.
Book Section
17444 Chambon, A., Strus, A., Alpi, F. 1992
Chambon, A., Strus, A. and Alpi, F., "Une installation agricole byzantine à Ain Fattir", Revue Biblique 99, no. 2 (1992): 425-439.
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17445 Puech, É. 2006
Puech, É., "Un mausolée de saint étienne à Khirbet Jiljil - Beit Gimal", Revue Biblique 113, no. 1 (2006): 100-126.
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17452 Figueras, P. 1982
Figueras, P., "Beersheva in the Roman – Byzantine Period", Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Orientalistas 8 (1982): 135-162.
Journal article
17453 Amir, R. 2012
Amir, R., "Mosaic Floors in Judea and Southern Samaria", in: Christians and Christianity III: Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 445-488.
Book Section
17481 Zissu, B., Ganor, A., Klein, E., Klein, A. 2013
Zissu, B., Ganor, A., Klein, E. and Klein, A., "New Discoveries at Horvat Burgin in the Judean Shephelah: Tombs, Hiding Complexes, and Graffiti", Palestine Exploration Quarterly 145, no. 1 (2013): 29-52.
Journal article
17482 Ganor, A. , Klein, A. 2011
Ganor, A. and Klein, A., "Horbat Burgin", Hadashot Arkheologiyot 123 (2011).
Journal article
17832 Alt, A. 1931
Alt, A., "Die Ausflüge", PJ 27 (1931): 10-23.
Journal article
17865 Saliou, C. 2005
Gaza dans l'Antiquité Tardive. Archéologie, rhétorique et histoire. Actes du colloque international de Poitiers (6-7 mai 2004), Edited by Saliou, C., Helios, Salerno, 2005.
17866 Humbert J.-B., Hassoune, A. 2005
Humbert J.-B. and Hassoune, A., "Brefs regards sur les fouilles byzantines a Gaza", in: Gaza dans l'Antiquité Tardive. Archéologie, rhétorique et histoire. Actes du colloque international de Poitiers (6-7 mai 2004), edited by Saliou, C., Helios, Salerno, 2005: 1-11.
Book Section
17867 Piccirillo, M. 2007
Piccirillo, M., "Les mosaïques de la Bande de Gaza", in: Gaza à la croisée des civilisations, edited by Haldimann, M.-A. et al., Neuchâtel: CHAMAN, 2007: 171-187.
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17868 Piccirillo, M., Alliata, E. 1999
The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997. Travelling through the Byzantine Umayyad Period, Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Amman, 7-9 April 1997, Edited by Piccirillo, M. and Alliata, E., Jerusalem, 1999.
17869 Dubois, L. , Sève, M., Feyel,C., Fröhlich, P., Hamon, P., Follet, S., Minon, S., Knoepfler, D., Lhôte, E., Decourt, J.-C. , Helly, B., Hatzopoulos, M., et als. 2009
Dubois, L., Sève, M., Feyel,C., Fröhlich, P., Hamon, P., Follet, S., Minon, S., Knoepfler, D., Lhôte, E., Decourt, J.-C., Helly, B., Hatzopoulos, M. and et als., "Bulletin épigraphique", Revue des Études Grecques 122 (2009): 391-587.
Journal article
