Encomium historicum de translatione reliquiarum sancti Stephani Protomartyris ad Constantinopolim
Nicetas, Paphlagon, Encomium historicum de translatione reliquiarum sancti Stephani Protomartyris ad Constantinopolim, in: Analecta Hierosolymitikes Stakyologias V, edited by Papadopoulos-Kerameus, A., St. Petersburg, 1891: 54–69.
♦ Narration of the translation of St. Stephen’s relics from Jerusalem to Constantinople in the fifth–sixth centuries; text ascribed to Nicetas Paphlagon (ninth–tenth century) or to Michael Psellos (eleventh century)
♦ Narration of the translation of St. Stephen’s relics from Jerusalem to Constantinople in the fifth–sixth centuries; text ascribed to Nicetas Paphlagon (ninth–tenth century) or to Michael Psellos (eleventh century)