Qasr el-Yahud: Kusr el-Yehüd: Dér Mar Juhanna: Named for John the Bapist (Prodromos) ‎(in: Survey in the Judean Desert and Jericho Valley, p.92-152)‎

Bar-Adon, P., "Qasr el-Yahud: Kusr el-Yehüd: Dér Mar Juhanna: Named for John the Bapist (Prodromos) ‎(in: Survey in the Judean Desert and Jericho Valley, p.92-152)‎", in: Judaea, Samaria and the Golan. Archaeological Survey, 1967-1968, edited by Kochavi, M. and Ovadiah, R., Jerusalem‎, 1972‎: ‎116 (in Hebrew).