Vita Melaniae junioris

Gerontius, presbyterus, Vita Melaniae junioris, in: Sources chrétiennes 90, edited by Gorce, D., Paris, 1962.
‎♦ Life of the Roman matron Melania the Younger, 383–439, grandaughter of Melania the Elder; with her husband Pinianus, she founded monasteries in Jerusalem. Written by the head of her monasteries in the fifth century. See also AB 8 (1889), pp. 16–63 (Latina); ed. H. Delehaye, AB 22 (1903), pp. 5–50 (Graeca); ed. Cardinale Rampolla del Tindaro, Santa Melania giuniore Senatrice Romana, Documenti contemporanei e note, Rome 1905; ed. P. Laurence, Gerontius: La vie latine de sainte M?lanie (SBF Collection minor, 41), Jerusalem 2002.