Displaying 461 - 480 of 4860Nid | Author(s)/Editor(s) | Year | Title | Ref type |
9017 | Gribomont, J. | 1961 |
Gribomont, J., "Eustathe de Sebaste", in: Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, Paris, 1961: 1708-1712.
Dictionary |
9018 | Grossmann, P. | 1991 |
Grossmann, P., "Architectural Elements of Churches", in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, edited by Atiya, A. S., New York, 1991: 194-226.
Encyclopedia |
9019 | Grumel, V. | 1937 |
Grumel, V., "Acemetes", in: Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, Paris, 1937: 169- 175.
Dictionary |
9020 | Hausherr, I. | 1936 |
Hausherr, I., "Barsanuphe (saint)", in: Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique, Paris, 1936: 1255-1262.
Dictionary |
9021 | Janin, R. | 1930 |
Janin, R., "Armenie", in: Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Paris, 1930: 291- 304.
Dictionary |
9022 | Janin, R. | 1949 |
Janin, R., "Cappadoce", in: Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Paris, 1949: 907-909.
Dictionary |
9023 | Janin, R. | 1953 |
Janin, R., "Cesaree", in: Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Paris, 1953: 199- 202.
Dictionary |
9024 | Janin, R. | 1956 |
Janin, R., "Colonia d'Armenie", in: Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, Paris, 1956: 325-326.
Dictionary |
9025 | Lechner, M. | 1976 |
Lechner, M., "Sabas von Jerusalem", in: Lexicon der Christlichen Ikonographie, edited by Kirschbaum, E. and Braunfels, W., Germany, 1976: 296-298.
Dictionary |
9026 | Leclercq, H. | 1950 |
Leclercq, H., "Sabas", in: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chretienne et de Liturgie, edited by Leclercq, H. and Cabrol, F., Paris, 1950: 190-210.
Dictionary |
9027 | Pregoire, P. | 1924 |
Pregoire, P., "Archimandrite", in: Dictionnaire d'Archéologie Chretienne et de Liturgie, edited by Leclercq, H. and Cabrol, F., Paris, 1924: 2739-2750.
Dictionary |
9028 | Vacandard, E. | 1910 |
Vacandard, E., "Careme", in: Dictionnaire de Theologie Catholique, Paris, 1910: 1724- 1749. |
Dictionary |
9030 | Besonen, J. F. | 2001 |
Besonen, J. F., The Mosaic Floor Iconography of the 6th Century Byznatine Monastic Church at Khirbet Yattir, M.A. Thesis, Tufts University, 2001.
Thesis |
9031 | Boudignon, C. | 2002 |
Boudignon, C., La Mystagogie ou traité sur les symboles de la liturgie de Maxime le Confesseur (580-662). Edtion, traduction, commentaire, Ph.D. dissertation, Université d'Aix en Province, 2002.
Thesis |
9032 | Chambers, A. C. | 2009 |
Chambers, A. C., Re-Centering the Temple: The Origin and Expansion of the Decapolis Churches, 4th to 7th c. , Ph.D. dissertation, Miami University, 2009.
Thesis |
9033 | Di Segni, L. | 1997 |
Di Segni, L., Dated Greek Inscriptions from Palestine from the Roman and Byzantine Periods, Ph.D. dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1997.
Thesis |
9034 | Duncan, C. | 2008 |
Duncan, C., An Investigation into the Geography, Theology, and Architecture of the Byzantine Monastery at Tel Masos, M.A. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008. |
Thesis |
9035 | Grigg, R. J. | 1974 |
Grigg, R. J., The Images of the Palestinian Flasks as Possible Evidence of the Monumental Decoration of Palestinian Martyria, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1974.
Thesis |
9036 | Habas, L. | 1994 |
Habas, L., The Relief Art of Chancel Screens in Churches and Synagogues in Palestine in the Byzantine Period: A Stylistic and Iconographic Study, M.A. Thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1994.
Thesis |
9037 | Limor, O. | 1987 |
Limor, O., Christian Traditions of Mount Olives in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods (Hebrew), unpublished M.A. Thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1987.
Thesis |