Epistola ad Joannem Hierosolymitanum

Epiphanius, Constantiensis, Epistola ad Joannem Hierosolymitanum, in: ‘Die ikonoklastische Episode in dem Brief des Epiphanios an Johannes’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30, edited by Maas, P., 1929-1930: 279–286.
‎♦ Palestinian monk, later bishop of Salamis [Constantia in Cyprus] 367–403; Epistle sent by Epiphanius to John, archbishop of Jerusalem, in 394 or 395, explaining why he tore a curtain in a village church: The curtain bore a painted image, which in his opinion was forbidden to Christians. The epistle was included in a collection of iconoclastic writings presented at the Council of St. Sophia in 815 and refuted by Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople (Niceph. CP, q.v.).