(66) Abba Anthony, hegumen and founder of the Laura of the Aeliotes, told us about Abba Theodosius the Hesychastes <‘Silent’> … <A vision of the Enemy seen by the holy man.>
(67) Abba Cyriacus, the disciple of the same Abba Theodosius the Hesychastes, told us this story about him. The old man spent 35 years in seclusion, fasting two days at a time and keeping complete silence, without speaking to anybody (not even to his own disciple). However, if he needed to say something, he would make it known by (scribbling on a) pebble. I saw him too in that same Laura of the Aeliotes; for I stayed there for ten years.
(68) Abraham, the hegumen of the New Church of the holy Mother of God, was told that Abba Theodosius had no mantle to wear in winter, so he bought him a robe. Once (the holy man) was sleeping with this robe on - the old man used to sleep in an armchair - and some robbers came up, despoiled him of his cowl and took it away with them: while this happened, the old man did not speak a word.
(transl. Leah di Segni)