


Displaying 3561 - 3580 of 4852
Nid Author(s)/Editor(s) Year Title Ref type
12445 Ein Mor, D. 2009
Ein Mor, D., "The Church at Horvat Deiry and its Surroudings", in: Innovations in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its surroundings, edited by Amit, D., Stiebel, G. D. and Peleg-Barkat, O., Jerusalem, 2009: 140-150 (in Hebrew).[PDF File]
Book Section
12448 Shershevsky, J. 1986
Shershevsky, J., Urban Settlements in the Negev in the Byzantine Period, Ph.D. Dissertation, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1986.
12449 Urman, D., Harpak, T. 1994
Urman, D. and Harpak, T., "Renewed Excavations in Nizzana", in: To Nizzana and the Western Border, edited by Eini, Y. and Orion, E., Jerusalem, 1994: 45-52.
Book Section
12450 Urman, D. 2004
Nessana: Excavations and Studies, Edited by Urman, D., Beer Sheva, 2004.
12453 Elter, R., Houssan, A. 2008
Elter, R. and Houssan, A., "Le Complexe du Bain du Monastère de Saint Hilarion à Umm el-'Amr, Première Synthèse Architecturale", Syria 85 (2008): 129-144.[PDF File]
Journal article
12459 Fischer, M. 1985
Fischer, M., "Excavations at Horvat Zikhrin", Qadmoniot 18.3/4, no. 71/72 (1985): 112-120 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12468 Kloner, A. 2001
Kloner, A., Survey of Jerusalem the North-Eastern Sector (Hebrew and English), Jerusalem, 2001.
12470 Kuhl, C., Meingold, W. 1929
Kuhl, C. and Meingold, W., "Römische Strassen und Stassenstationen in der Umgebung von Jerusalem. II. Die Strassenstationen", Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 25 (1929): 95-124.
Journal article
12471 Meinardus, O. 1965-1966
Meinardus, O., "Notes on the Laurae and Monasteries of the Wilderness of Judaea (II)", Liber Annuus 16 (1965-1966): 328-356.
Journal article
12472 Magen, Y., Peleg, Y., Sharukh, I. 2012
Magen, Y., Peleg, Y. and Sharukh, I., "A Roman Tower and a Byzantine Monastery at Rujm Jureida", in: Christians and Christianity IV- Churches and Monasteries in Judea, edited by Carmin, N., Jerusalem, 2012: 397-434.
Book Section
12478 Dar, S. 1984
Dar, S., "Khirbet el-Bireh- 1983", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 3 (1984): 11-13.
Journal article
12479 Gophna, R., Beit-Arieh, I. 1997
Gophna, R. and Beit-Arieh, I., Archaeological Survey of Israel. Map of Lod (80), Jerusalem, 1997.
12480 Safrai, Z., Dar, S. 1997
Safrai, Z. and Dar, S., "The Estate at Horbat Bira in the Shephelah of Lod Region", in: Hikrei Eretz. Studies in the History of the Land of Israel, edited by Friedman, Y., Safrai, Z. and Schwartz, J., Ramat Gan, 1997: 57-107 (in Hebrew).
Book Section
12481 Safrai, Z., Dar, S. 1982
Safrai, Z. and Dar, S., "Khirbet el-Birah", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 1 (1982): 11-13.
Journal article
12482 Shukrun, E., Savariego, A. 1993
Shukrun, E. and Savariego, A., "Jerusalem, the Third Wall (Area C)", Excavations and Surveys in Israel 13 (1993): 78-79.
Journal article
12483 Feig, N. 1993
Feig, N., "Excavations at the Third Wall", Qadmoniot 26.1/2, no. 101/102 (1993): 48-52 (in Hebrew).
Journal article
12485 Sukenik, E. L., Mayer, L. A. 1930
Sukenik, E. L. and Mayer, L. A., The Third Wall of Jerusalem: an account of excavations, Jerusalem, 1930.
12488 Ruffini, G. 2011
Ruffini, G., "Village Life and Family Power in Late Antique Nessana", Transactions of the American Philological Society 141 (2011): 201-225.
Journal article
12489 Stroumsa, R. 2008
Stroumsa, R., People and Identities in Nessana, Ph.D. Dissertation, Duke University, 2008.
12491 Eisenberg, E., Ovadiah, R. 1998
Eisenberg, E. and Ovadiah, R., "A Byzantine Monastery at Mevo Modi'im", ‘Atiqot 36 (1998): 1*-19* (Hebrew; English summary 123-124).
Journal article
